Health Fitness

Viagra Worth The Risks

When one speaks of a medical solution for the problem of sexual impotence, most people think of the “wonder drug” called Viagra. Originally intended to help people with heart ailments, the drug has rapidly become the stereotypical “poison of choice” for men who experience erectile dysfunction, whether due to physiological or psychological impotence. Viagra has proven itself to be the…

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Health Fitness

Let S Get Physical

It is a known fact that women are more in touch with their feelings rather than men. They are more demonstrative when it comes to expressions of pain, sorrow, and unhappiness. Women are more likely to express their feelings. Unlike women, men are more reserved when it comes to showing emotion and are less communicative. In fact, recent scientific study…

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Alternative Medicine

Before Taking Viagra

A famous pill used in impotence treatment. The name of the medicine comes from the unification of vitalis and Niagara words. It’s a revolutionary innovation because before Viagra the lack of sexual reaction could be treated only with long lasting psychotherapy, injections or with artificial penis implants. What can we call Impotence? Not only the complete lack of sexual reactions…

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Health Fitness

Manhood Rising From The Constriction Of Fat

Erectile dysfunction (ED), also referred to as impotence, is one of the most common ailments afflicting mature men worldwide. The main symptom of impotence is the inability to achieve and/or maintain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. Reasons for impotence include stress, hormonal deficiency, psychological issues, pelvic trauma, neurological problems, smoking, alcohol abuse, or conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular…

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Health Fitness

The Link Between Smoking And Ed

Smoking cigarettes could cause lung cancer and increases the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases, but there is even more bad news for men who smoke regularly. Men are more likely to have an increased risk of experiencing sexual impotence or ED (Erectile Dysfunction), and the more they smoke cigarettes, the greater the risk, according to a study of researchers…

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Alternative Medicine

Ayurveda Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction

Definition of Erectile dysfunction Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of his partner. Erectile dysfunction is sometimes called as “impotence”. The term “erectile dysfunction” can mean the inability to achieve erection, an inconsistent ability to do so, or the ability to achieve only…

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Health Fitness

A Depressed Mind Equals A Depressed Head

The words “mind over matter” are more than just three words randomly strung together to make something that sounds somewhat sensible. “Mind over matter” is more than just a myth, because there are times when a person’s state of mind has considerable effects on matters of the flesh. Performance anxiety can make someone do a sub-par job on physical activities,…

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Health Fitness

The Failure Of The Wonder Drugs

According to a study presented recently at the European Society of Sexual Medicine, about one third of the 631 impotent participants who did not get the desired result after taking prescription medication such as Viagra for the first time gave up sex altogether. When the pills did not work the first time, 68 percent of men reported a loss of…

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Health Fitness

Why The Key To Impotence May All Be In Your Head

Stress has become an inevitable consequence of modern life, and we are subjected to increasing amounts on a daily basis. The term stress was originally coined and defined by Hans Selye in 1936 as “the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change.” This means that we are all subjected to stress, but its effects on our bodies…

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Time Management

Management For Impotence

Impotence is the lack of ability to have a penile erection satisfactorily completing sexual intercourse. Ejaculation, however, is not always affected. It diverges from irregular and least to lasting and absolute. This erectile dysfunction can either be major or minor. It is major impotence when a man does not experience erection in having intercourse with a woman but is potent…

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