Web Hosting

How To Browse The Web In China When Your Favorite Sites Are Blocked

If you want to see the differences between Google’s top level domains, try Google’s Image search from 2 different URLs: images.google.com images.google.cn Type in the Search box: “Tian’anmen Square massacre” or “Tian An Men Square massacre”. Ironically, this translates to “Gate of Heavenly Peace”. Convinced? It is well known that in China, certain websites like BBC and CNN are blocked.…

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Web Hosting

Do Blogs Need Pictures

One question that commonly pops up is “Do you really need a picture for a blog?” The answer is no. Imagery is there to enhance your content. Above all the purpose of including an image with your blog should not be to make up for weak content. Pictures are also more appropriate for certain types of blogs rather than others.…

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Email Marketing

7 Steps For Improving Your Email Marketing

The success of your email marketing campaign is often based on a set of complex factors. However, a number of these issues can be proactively managed to ensure an optimized response. When developing your next email campaign, consider the following guidelines. 1. Your list. Certainly one of the most important aspects of any email marketing campaign, your list is directly…

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Goal Setting

Creating The Perfect Goals For Success

Why do we need goals? We need them so that we know where we want to go towards, right? Without goals, we are basically wandering around in the darkness hoping that we reach the right place. But, we also use goals as a motivational tool to give us that boost of energy to work towards them. If you ask any…

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Web Design

Fast Loading Website How To

Are you interested in getting your website to load in the browser quickly? In case you have a personal website for hobby sake, it may be no big deal but if you are responsible for a corporate website attracting customers, this can be tremendously important. If the homepage takes forever to load into the browser, you may be losing out…

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Web Design

Is A Picture Really Worth A Thousand Words

Are you amenable to the maxim – a picture is worth a thousand words. If you do, then you are presumed to use more colorful and arty images and not so much with texts. If you are on the contrary opinion, then you are presumed to believe that a word is worth a thousand pictures. Ergo, your principle is to…

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Computers Technology

Plan An Attractive Myspace Background With Freshness

Planning an attractive Myspace background with freshness can be a challenging task unless the new features are not brought in. The new features can be anything that can add value to the background of the Myspace background. But take care to ensure that your individual profile is safely maintained. On occasions, there are chances that the new features could spoil…

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Internet Business

How To Start An Internet Business Site Layout

The fourth step of how to start an Internet business involves the layout of your site. When organizing it, two audiences must be considered. Obviously, visitors to the site are the first audience. You must also keep in mind the second audience, search engine robots. Both audiences are extremely important and, fortunately, both want the same thing. Lean, Mean Layout…

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Use Pictures For Best Effect With Your Blogs

So you have become a blogger. You have joined the legions of those keeping web logs and journals online. How do you make it fresh, though? How do you stand out and show the world that your blog is worth a read? Well there are a number of things you can do from optimizing your content to making sure you…

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