Weight Loss

What Is The Truth About Hoodia

If you want to loose weight you have likely already heard the praise being given to the latest in natural cures – Hoodia Gordonii. So, is it as good as they say? How does it work? And most importantly – will it help you loose weight? STUDY SHOWED HUNGER PAINS TURNED OFF The most frequently reported study to promote Hoodia…

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The Current Status Of World Hunger

Where does starvation exist in the world today? What are some of the causes of world hunger? Are citizens of developed countries donating monetarily to the ongoing relief efforts? In this article I will address these questions with the hope that by creating an understanding of the current world hunger situation, morally conscious individuals will do their part in contributing…

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Curb Cravings With Pine Nuts Natural Appetite Suppressant

If you have not tried the simple pine nut, you will be amazed at the healthy punch this tiny nut packs. Its key benefit is that it suppresses hunger and tells your brain “Thanks, but I am already full.” Additionally, it slows the emptying of your stomach, again helping you feel full. These benefits are due to a powerful hormone…

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Weight Loss

Weight Loss With Hoodia

No one knows for sure, but it’s believed the San People of South Africa used Hoodia for most or all of the 27,000-plus years they lived in the Kalahari. It was not until 1937 when a Dutch anthropologist observed them munching on the cactus to stifle fierce hunger pangs during long hunting trips that Hoodia first came to the attention…

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Time Management

How To Handle Hunger On A Fasting Day

I’ve been fasting today. I do it four times a month and am seldom bothered by hunger (I’ll explain why later). But today was different and in the afternoon at around 5.00 PM I had “demon hunger” and couldn’t concentrate on some computer work that I was doing. I really felt like eating something! I contemplated taking some fruit, which…

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Weight Loss

Weight Loss Benefits Of Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia, the phenomenon sweeping America and much of the rest of the modern world, works in a startling way. The product works by tricking the brain into thinking that you’ve already eaten and therefore already have enough energy (blood sugar) and therefore the body doesn’t require additional nutrition. For this reason, the brain proceeds to shut down the hunger mechanism…

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Time Management

Take A Fuel Stop Take A Glass Of Water

A while back a colleague kept on to me about drinking more water. At first this barrage of advice went in one ear and out of the other. At that time I just hadn’t realised what my modern day lifestyle was doing to my body and my brain. The difference between a well hydrated and a dehydrated body and brain…

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Dining Psychology Understanding How And Why You Eat Or Overeat

We’ve all heard the expression that our eyes are bigger than our stomach, but for many that’s still no reason to STOP indulging or enjoying their probably way too generous portions. But, experts assert that staying healthy as well as physically fit means listening to your body, eating when you’re hungry and, YES, stopping when your are not. And they…

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