Disease Illness

Please To Meet You My Name Is Rabies

Rabies here. Have you ever wondered what i am really all about? Most people just think that i make dogs become angry and foam from the mouth. Well that hardly does my name justice! Try this on for size; I am a viral disease which causes minor encephalitis, and can effect animals AND humans. How’s that! Granted, I tend to…

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Through The Eyes Of Your Dog

Unless you were born blind you already know how valuable your eyes and vision are in coping with life. Helping us to process information on the world around us, our eyes constantly work to help us enjoy life and avoid danger. Dogs also use their eyes in similar ways but with a few minor important differences. We see far and…

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The Fourth Law Of Robotics

The movie “I, Robot” is a muddled affair. It relies on shoddy pseudo-science and a general sense of unease that artificial (non-carbon based) intelligent life forms seem to provoke in us. But it goes no deeper than a comic book treatment of the important themes that it broaches. I, Robot is just another – and relatively inferior – entry is…

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Health Fitness

Dog Genome May Shed Light On Human Disease

Scientists have succeeded in sequencing the dog genome, an accomplishment that could lead to better health for humans as well as canines. An international team of researchers have published their detailed analysis in the journal Nature. “Of the more than 5,500 mammals living today, dogs are arguably the most remarkable,” says senior author Eric Lander, PhD, director of the Broad…

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Can I Give My Dog The Flu

Avian Flu and Other Zoonotic Diseases Everyone seems on edge about the latest outbreak of avian flu. People in China are told to kill their poultry in order to keep the virus from spreading. Meanwhile people in the United States watch on in fear that the avian flu will come to their shores. So what exactly is all the hubbub…

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Mens Issues

The Magical Qualities Of Human Pheromones

Pheromones work like magic. But why and how they work is explained by biochemical scientist. Pheromones are natural biochemicals released by animals and insects that help to communicate sexual interest to members of the opposite sex. These biochemicals (pheromones) influence mating, fertility, and child rearing. In humans, pheromones have been shown to affect women’s menstrual cycle and a man’s and/or…

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Does Dieting With Chitosan Work

If you are planning to down Chitoson in a bid to lose weight fast, read on first! You may be wasting your heard earned cash on a diet pill that does not deliver as it should. We do our best to provide accurate and unbiased information and reviews on bodybuilding and weight loss supplements, which we hope will be useful…

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Health Fitness

Key Facts About Bird Flu

Bird flu was first identified in the early 1900’s and has since spread worldwide. Also known as avian influenza, this virus has caused considerable concern due to the mutation of a particular strain of the disease. Although this virus previously only infected birds and other types of animals, namely pigs, since 1997, it has also been known to infect humans.…

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Web Hosting

Building The World With Construction Projects

Construction projects are very important aspects in modern society. It is among the most fundamental ways upon which nations build their value by creating physical assets that they can utilize both economic and social profits. For most, the benchmark of a society’s progress is the number of hospitals, roads, tunnels, buildings, bridges and infrastructure that are constructed in a given…

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Time Management

Introduction To Human Pheromones

Pheromones are chemicals that the body release naturally that allow a form of silent communication between living creatures. Human pheromones are related to the gender of a person. Males have a set of pheromones and females have a set of pheromones. Humans only respond to the pheromones from other humans. The exact effect of human pheromones is not known, but…

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