Arts Entertainment

How To Choose The Right Hip Hop Gear

If you need Hip Hop gear, you have plenty of accessories from which to choose. The style is as unique as the lingo. However, you will have to present it when you go out clubbing. Choices for Hip Hop gear in the Hip Hop culture will definitely make you look cool when you Hip Hop dance, or just chill with…

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The Golden Boy Of Hip Hop

Hip Hop culture, back in the day, became very well publicized by the media because of one fresh faced kid from Pennsylvania. The public liked him because of his music and because he was so cute and funny. See if you can guess who this mystery character is from a few clues. To be knowledgeable on Hip Hop news and…

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Computer Based Training For Your Future Career

The world today is quite different than it was 20 years ago. While so many things worn to run on physical labor, computers have indeed changed the way we do things. In fact, computer based training is almost essential in every field there is. Think about it. How many jobs do you know of that never use computers? I can…

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Hip Hop Fashion

Generally Hip Hop clothing is broken into classic styles and modern styles. The former is defined as styles from the seventies and eighties and the later the very late eighties, nineties and after the year two thousand. Classic Hip Hop includes large glasses, multi-finger rings, gold necklaces, and Adidas shell toes with oversized laces. Hair styles took on a very…

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