Goal Setting

Transform Your Life

What’s the best way to make a difference in the quality of your life. The answer lies not with one-time actions, which offer temporary results, but with embracing the concept of long-term pattern. Any discipline (playing a sport, learning a new language, utilizing a meditation) becomes a tool for growth when it’s performed daily. Starting out, hitting plateaus, sticking with…

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Effortless Distance With Your Golf Swing

Many times when you hear people talking about getting the most distance out of their drives or irons, you probably hear the word timing used as they talk about how to achieve this. Or, when you watch the professionals play (especially in person) the distance they achieve seems to come so effortlessly and smooth. Although a discussion of the entire…

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Golf Stance And Its Physical Requirements

Golf stance is one of the most ignored terms and issues in the golf swing and yet the golf stance dictates the success of every golf swing you make. When golfers think of golf stance, they don’t realize how hard it is to maintain over 18 holes (four and a half hours). Just take a look at the position your…

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Golf Swing An Amazing Tweak For A Killer Drive

As the ol’ song goes…”Just do the Twist”… well not quite…but the right “little twist” will set you on the right track to turbo-charging your drives. We’ve all heard of the famous X-factor and how crucial it is to turbo-charging the range of your drive. We’ll, here’s an amazing tweak that you can apply for immediate results that will help…

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