
Celebrating Wedding Anniversaries

The day of wedding that was awaited since long is gone. The couple has joined millions of other couples in the dull existence of life. A routine life with nothing exciting. Instead of flowers and love notes, they talk more of budgets, pipe leaks and groceries. That is life. The dreams are long over and one is facing the reality…

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Marriage Or Prostitution

It is said that prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. To prostitute means to give someone the right to use the body for a sum. Do all the prostitutes sell their bodies for money only? Some might be selling their body for food, or a gift or something else. So, we can say that prostitution means selling the…

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Arts Entertainment

Types Of Actors

All humans are actors to some extent. This sounds Shakespearean but it is very true. Many times we have done what we do not like and many times we begin to like what we are doing. We represent those very feelings on stage or before the camera in the form of characters. The person’s who enact those characters are actors.…

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