Time Management

Cannabis Culture

During the 70s, smoking pot or cannabis was very popular. Since cannabis is a natural herb, people believed that it could not pose any ill effects on their health. People who smoke cannabis exhibit different physiological and behavioral effects. Most feel drowsy but generally happy, making this herb a favorite among teens. But of course, anything that is consumed in…

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Herb Gardening

Herbs have been around since time immemorial. Ever since, herbs have served different kinds of purposes. Herbs have been used to treat illness and also in cooking. They were even believed to have magical charms. Do you want to have your own herb garden? Here are a few ideas on how to establish an herb garden. Plan you garden. Consider…

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Herb Gardening

Herb gardening is becoming more and more popular every day, and for a good reason. Herbs have practical value, serve a purpose, and with herb gardening you can actually use your plants. When most people think of herb gardening they automatically think of cooking, but herbs are also grown for their pleasant aroma and their beauty. One important part of…

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My Experiment With An Herb Garden

I have been known to experiment with many things in my free time. I guess people assume that because I am a writer that I have tons of free time. While that is not entirely true, it is true that my hours are unusual and that I do manage to find time for a variety of hobbies that many of…

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Olive Wood Craftsmanship And Herbes De Provence From France

For the gourmet cook there is nothing like a fine olivewood kitchen tool for a gourmet gift. Olivewood is known for its robustness and highly prized as a wood cooking utensil. Olive wood is known for its hygienic qualities and also its beauty. Olive wood makes a great natural selection for any cook or kitchen. Olive wood from Europe is…

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The Benefits Of Dandelion

The next time you see a pesky dandelion interfering with the perfection of your lawn, you might want to reconsider your first reaction to spray it with weed killer. That little weed is actually an incredible source of vitamins and other substances that can be greatly beneficial to your health. Many people still don’t realize that the dandelion is even…

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Basil More Than A Kitchen Plant

A universally known fact is that aromatherapy uses essential oils extracted from plants. One of the most commonly used essential oil in aromatherapy is that of Basil. Basil got its name from the Greek word “basileum” meaning “king”. Considered as “king among plants” as it was one of the ingredients on the list of oils blended to massage kings. Basil…

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Learn About Herb Gardening Get The Natural Facts

One of the most appealing things anyone will learn about herb gardening is how relaxing and simple growing herbs can be. Discovering all the wonderful, various herbs and what they do is a captivating pastime, and can be quite beneficial. You can use herbs for cooking, as medicinal aids such as topical dressings or healthy teas, or simply for decorative…

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Rosemary The Herb Of Remembrance And Friendship

Rosmarinus officinalis, commonly called rosemary is an aromatic herb indigenous to the Mediterranean area. Rosemary is traditionally known as the herb of remembrance and friendship. Also known as Mary’s mantle and compass weed, rosemary is a lovely, sweet scented, shrubby perennial in Mediterranean countries that can be grown as an annual in Northern climates or as an indoor potted plant.…

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