Disease Illness

The In And Out Of Std S

STD’S are a problem that many of today’s youth are faced with. They are a real threat to our society. STD’s consist of any disease that is acquired primarily through sexual contact. They are infectious diseases that spread from person-to-person through contact with infected bodily fluids. In this, you will be exposed to two of the more common threats in…

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Disease Illness

What You Need To Know About Viral Diseases

There is a very long-standing liaison between human beings and virus that wander unreservedly in our environment. Virus has a long history of disconcerting people. A virus is a microorganism that is not visible to the naked eye. It is highly contagious and communicable. A virus attacks and clips to a living cell of the human body. It then discharges…

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Hepatitis In Dogs

Hepatitis, a disease of the liver that is seen in several animals, including humans, is caused by a viral infection. Canine hepatitis is caused by the virus designated CAV-1 which is seen only in dogs. Humans and other animals are not at risk to contract hepatitis from the CAV-1 virus. Like many viruses, CAV-1 first localizes and replicates in the…

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Disease Illness

I Am Hepatitis C

I am Hepatitis C a form of hepatitis liver inflammation that is caused by a virus known on the street as HCV. Before HCV was discovered in 1989, they used to refer to me as a related name to my little brothers, “non-A-non-B hepatitus”. A laughing stock of the virus world, but that all changed in 1989. Approximately 15 to…

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Disease Illness

Hepatitis C What You Should Know

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the most common, chronic blood-borne infection in the United States, with nearly 4 million Americans (or 2% of the population) infected. The hepatitis C virus can result in a swelling of the liver known as hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is slightly more common among men than women, and while it affects people of all ages,…

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Fighting Out With Jaundice

The word jaundice is derived from a French word called as jaune, which means yellow. It is a very common condition which is seen in newborn babies which can be treated by exposing them to sunlight. It is also known as yellow skin or eyes disease. It turns your skin, mucous membranes, sclera (the white of your eyes) into a…

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Disease Illness

The Hepatitis B Virus

Hepatitis B is what we used to originally known as just simply serum hepatitis. Hep B has been recognized as this new name since World War II. The virus is responsible for current epidemics in parts of Asia and Africa. Recognized as endemic in China and various other parts of Asia, the Hepatitis B virus has infected over one third…

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Disease Illness

Hepatitis Cause Symptoms And Treatment

Hepatitis is caused by viruses and Bacteria (Leptospira sps.) and can be Acute(sudden) or Chronic(prolonged). The easy infection of viruses is due to immuno deficiency in humans against the viruses. The Major Symptoms of hepatitis are Malaise(Inactivity), Anorexia(Loss of appetite), nausea, jaundice, Liver failure, Cirrhosis(Liver Fibrosis), Hepatic coma, Atrophy of Glands etc. Hepatitis is categorised into 5 types depending on…

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Disease Illness

Hepatitis A How To Prevent It

Hepatitis A is a very highly contagious infection of a person’s liver and it is caused by a virus. It isn’t considered as dangerous as other viral types of Hepatitis, but it does cause severe pain and inflammation that affects the human liver’s abilities to function properly. The most likely way of contracting Hepatitis A is through food or water…

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Disease Illness

Types Of Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a disease taking on many forms which feature inflammation of the liver. The cause is depended on the prognosis and on the symptoms shown. Certain forms of hepatitis are unable to reveal many signs or symptoms and are only noticeable when the longstanding inflammation has led to the replacement of liver cells by connective tissue. General symptoms of…

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