Self Improvement

Listen And Hear

By Devlyn Steele Life Coach Advice Who doesn’t enjoy being listened to? We crave good friends and a partner in life with whom we can share our life experiences, both good and bad. Whether we are mad, sad, frustrated, happy or excited, we crave the company of a good listener. This includes the simplest of inconsequential daily conversations. Even though…

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3 Situations You Have To Lie To Your Woman

It’s no surprise that both genders rely on lying to some extent. They just do it differently and sometimes for different reasons. All humans, especially women say they want their partner to be honest. Is this the truth? Can you keep a relationship up and running if you are telling the truth all the time? Imagine that you just have…

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Email Marketing

Email Marketing Is Still Hot For Small Business

How do you communicate with your customers? We all know that there’s getting to be more and more online activity. How much? According to the Pew Research Center: The proportion of Americans online on a typical day grew from 36% of the entire adult population in January 2002 to 44% in December 2005. The number of adults who said they…

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Health Fitness

Coping With Hearing Loss

Oddly enough, I’ve come to think that losing my hearing was one of the best things that ever happened to me, as it led to the publication of my first novel. But it took a while for me to accept that I was losing my hearing and needed help. I believe that no matter how tough things get, you can…

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Recreation Sports

Watching Volleyball Videos

The videos of observation of volley ball can seem as the majority of pre tedious aspect of preparation of play but as the majority of the things just must know to you TO DO the work for you to HIM. Usually there are two basic reasons for which a trainer has you to observe videos of volley ball… in preparation…

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Travel Leisure

Why Is The Atlantic Ocean So Desirable

Well it might be wise to start this column off by stating that it comes with a bias. I love the Atlantic Ocean and I would not move away from it in a million years. My bias comes from the first 22 years of my life living on the beaches of Santa Barbara over on the west coast. Not what…

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