
Hatred The Byproduct Of A Bad Break Up

Break ups are a most difficult part of life and relationships. When you are first starting that relationship, everything is new and exciting. Many times, as the relationship wears on, it becomes hard to be with someone who may not be right for you. As a result, many couples give up. Break ups can be amenable, but much of the…

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Unhealthy Emotions Associated With Being Dumped

Being dumped can be a traumatic experience for anyone. Relationships are complex and difficult at times. While some people who are dumped seem to find a way to move on without much damage, most people who are dumped have serious emotional issues. Some of the negative reactions to the difficult emotions that come out of the break up can seriously…

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What Is A Mailfriend

Mailfriends are people who want new real world experiences with real people who have different cultures, attitudes, ages, beliefs and views. They value diversity in age, colour, race, belief and views and belive this is of paramount importance to real mailfriends. They accept that the real world is a challenging place and that they do not all share the same…

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