Web Hosting

Is It Really Possible To Make Money Money Online

These days it is hard to make a good living working your typical office job. Many people desire a better lifestyle, one where they do not have to work so hard for such little money. They no longer want to struggle to make ends meet and so instead they are now turning to alternate methods of earning an income. Although…

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Medical Degrees

What do you want to be when you grow up? Are you thinking a fireman or a police officer sounds good? Or maybe you’re interested in becoming a teacher. As for me, I always dreamed of flying to the moon. Yep, an astronaut certainly would have been the ideal job for me. Of course I then grew up and began…

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Consumer Electronics

The Rise Of The Apple Ipod

Tony Fadell, former employee of General Magic and Phillips, envisioned a brand new MP3 player. Unlike the flash memory-based MP3 players from existing companies, Fadell wanted to deliver a small hard drive-based player that was linked with a content delivery system where users could legally obtain and download music. The first company he pitched it to was RealNetworks (in 2000),…

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Data Recovery

Data Recovery Tips

Data recovery becomes necessary when your hard drive, memory card or USB flash card fail, and you have no backup available. This article gives an idea on the necessary steps and precautions during the data recovery process. Before attempting the recovery, you must be aware that the data cannot always be retrieved. In case of a physical failure of a…

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Debt Consolidation

Debt Kills

Once I overheard a man saying “debt kills”, but then I realized that debt does not kill a man once and for all, but it slays him everyday and every time. Even though nowadays there’s considerable awareness about debt, people are still becoming a prey to this monster. Knowingly and unknowingly they get tangled in this knot, where liberation becomes…

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The Secret Of Christmas Candies

What is Christmas without treats? Does it really seem like Christmas without them? All those delicious candies are a delight fit for the holidays. Candy making is more of an art but there is some science to it. You must balance creativity with skill and incorporate some technical procedures that are sometimes hard to comprehend. Wait, here’s where we can…

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Computers Technology

Top 4 Reasons For Pc Slowdowns

Remember when your PC was fresh out of the box and super-fast? Those were the days, when boot times were less than the time it takes to hard-boil an egg. All computers slow down with use. The more you install and uninstall software, add and delete files, change personal preferences and tweak system configurations, the more you leave a trail…

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Stress Management

The Stress Hits 3 Months After Tragedy Change Or Trauma

Think about all that has happened in the world in the past few years: 9/11 and thousands losing their lives, terrorists who live and breathe to take away freedom, hurricanes that have completely taken away the foundation of several states, mud slides that have wiped away houses, floods that have killed and ruined, earthquakes that have swallowed up entire cities,…

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Arts Entertainment

Full Contact Storytelling

Nearly every storyteller has experienced the frustration of telling to these audience members: the clock-watcher, the doodler, the hair-twister, the squimer, the talker, the bored acting, the heckler, ect. But these characters are reminders that sometimes we all forget the most important ingredients in our storytelling program – personal contact and meaningful interaction. Grabbing an audience’s attention is critical to…

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