Travel Leisure

7 Tips For Single Woman

Here are 7 Tips for single woman from people who have a happy and long-term marriage…Tip #1: It is OK to be Single First of all, DON’T PANIC. Remember: * There is no shame being single! * Marriage is not for everyone! * No need to marry a fool! Marriage is not the destination for the entire human race. Being…

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Self Improvement

Do You Value Yourself

We all live. We all work. We all wish to have a family, have children, retire peacefully and then pass away. Is that all in our life? What is the true value you put to your life? What are you? What do you want to achieve so that you make a difference in the world? What memories you want to…

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Weight Loss

Overweight And Dying Mummy Stay With Me A Little Longer

Scientists have now discovered that skeletal frame humans are more vulnerable to bouts of anxiety than that of oversized happy porkers that at the time of study were found to be less prone to depression in their recent research. Then in the same article a snippet revealed how a 16 year study stated that slim people are more confident and…

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Introduction To Manifestation

Have you ever thought who you are? Are you the body you see every day in a mirror? Of course you are not. Your body is constantly changing. It is different now than ten or twenty years ago. According to some scientists cells in our bodies are constantly replaced by the new ones. Although the scientists differ in their opinions,…

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Womens Issues

Secrets Of Happy Moms

Have you ever noticed how some Moms seem to be very contented and confident in their role as Mothers, and others seem chronically stressed and approaching burnout? Why are some Moms unflappable and able to keep their sense of humor, while others overreact to the slightest stressors in their day? I’m currently observing and interviewing these happy Moms as I…

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Personality And Happy Marriage

What difference does the personality of partners make to a happy marriage? What makes them live happy together? What do they wish to see in each other to continue with the marriage and continue deriving happiness? What are the factors that may destroy a marriage? What is the role of personality in a marriage? Same religion, same church, same circle,…

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Test Your Emotions And Outside Stimuli

How much are your emotions affected by outside stimuli? This will be a difficult question to answer for anyone – Are You Happy? If yes, how much? Are you happy under all circumstances? At all the times? Are you happy even if you meet an old enemy? Are you happy when you have no money? Are you happy filing your…

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Using The Language Of Self Hypnosis

Words are just a part of our lives aren’t they? Why do we need to think about them? When I teach people self-hypnosis, the language they use in self-hypnosis sessions is very important. What’s more, the kind of language used in self-hypnosis can be used outside of formal self-hypnosis too, to enhance your communication with yourself at all times. The…

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Time Management

The Woman In The Mirror My Personal Story

How many times have you looked in the mirror and seen something you don’t like? It happens to the best of us, we get caught up in what we ‘should’ look like. Thighs are too big, hair is too straight, too many freckles, breasts are too small… the list could go on, and for many of us it does. The…

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