
God S Happiness Principle

Happiness is the state of feeling content. Are you happy? Can you honestly say that you’re content at all times? Or, could it be that you are an emotional roller coaster: happy when things go according to your way; and sad, frustrated or mad when they’re not? You only need to do a Google search to realize how many people…

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How Much Are You Dependent On Your Marriage

Marriage is the best form of companionship designed by mankind. After marriage a person is assured of at least one friend for life. Marriage gives some assurance that one will have a companion through thick and thin till the end. We cannot call our other friendships and relations so dependable. That is why marriage is important. All this was certainly…

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8 Ways To Create A Happy Family

You might disagree and say, “Lori Prokop what are you writing now?” But hear me out on this. I believe finding happiness and success are more than just money. If you are not finding happiness in your family, this is to remind you that you have the power to improve your life within your family. Here are Lori Prokop’s 8…

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