Computers Technology

Bluetooth Security

Bluetooth Security These days, all communication technology faces the issue of privacy and identity theft, with Bluetooth being no exception. Almost everyone knows that email services and networks require security. What users of Bluetooth need to realize is that Bluetooth also requires security measures as well. The good news for Bluetooth users is that the security scares, like most scares,…

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Cyberspace Samurai S Art Of Hacking

If you acknowledge the foe and recognize yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you recognise yourself merely not the foeman, for every victory gained you volition also suffer a defeat. If you cognize neither the opposition nor yourself, you testament succumb in every battle.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War. Take the immortal…

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Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth Security

These days, all communication technology faces the issue of privacy and identity theft, with Bluetooth being no exception. Almost everyone knows that email services and networks require security. What users of Bluetooth need to realize is that Bluetooth also requires security measures as well. The good news for Bluetooth users is that the security scares, like most scares, are normally…

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Web Hosting

Online Safety How Safe Are We

How sure can we really be as to how safe we are when you use the Internet. Hackers can and will get into all your private information, and use it for their own ends. There also seems to be an endless number of viruses that can kill your computer. These are usually transmitted by opening an email or clicking links…

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Application Security It Risk Management

Application Security risk assessment and risk management are vital tasks for IT managers. Corporations face increased levels of Application Security risk from hackers and cyber crooks seeking intellectual property and customer information. A comprehensive application security risk assessment is a modern day corporate necessity. Application security risk management provides the optimal protection within the constraints of budget, law, ethics, and…

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