Home Family

Kid Birthday Party Things To Think About

A kid birthday party is something well worth planning and having, but what looks like a piece of cake, a kid birthday party, may turn out to be quite a hassle, and eventually not serve its purpose. The last thing you want is to be completely exhausted and in need of a two weeks vacation after you had a kid…

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Keeping Your Wedding Guests Happy

We’ve all been to “one of those weddings”. The kind where you need to amuse yourself between the ceremony and the reception because they’re hours apart or you find yourself stuck in a receiving line that never ends. To keep friends and family happy rather than gritting their teeth in frustration, here are some tips for brides and grooms to…

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Buying The Perfect Wedding Invitations

Wedding invitations are one of the most important considerations that the bride and groom must make. Wedding invitations give guests all of the information they need in order to make plans to attend the wedding. Without these, there will be no guests. There are several places to purchase wedding invitations. Many other wedding vendors will also sell wedding invitations as…

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Wedding Music Areas And Options

There will be music played throughout the day at your wedding. Some areas you will want to remember to arrange music for include the period of time as the guests begin arriving at the ceremony venue, special music for the recessional and processional, special music as the wedding party signs the marriage license, some music for after the recessional is…

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Wedding Favor Traditions

A Wedding is one of the most important days in every couple’s life. There are many ways in which the wedding celebrations can be remembered, such as through videos and photographs. There is also another way of having your wedding day remembered by your guests. This is by giving away wedding favors. Wedding favors serves as a souvenir and a…

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Interior Design

Indoor Lighting

Nothing impresses us quite the way lighting does. And if you’re entertaining nothing could make your guests feel more welcome that the good lighting in you home. Create a warm and inviting feeling for your prestigious guests and let them also enjoy some good food and conversation. Designing with light has never been an easier task, and it is always…

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Booming Wedding Market

According to a recent survey entitled “American Wedding Study 2006,” conducted by The Conde Nast Bridal Group, concludes that the average amount spent on weddings has increased to almost $28,000. It is predicted that 2.3 million Americans will get married this year, and there will be more than 44,000 weddings each weekend with 380 million wedding guests attending. With an…

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Recreation Sports

Halloween Costume Baby Shower Ideas For A Halloween Baby

Invitations As with any other baby shower, your Halloween Costume themed baby shower requires invitations. Consider using Halloween themed invitations or creating your own custom design. Donning Halloween Costumes Since this is a Halloween-themed party, be sure to remind people arrive in costume! If you would like, you could also impose guidelines, such as asking your guests to wear baby-themed…

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