
Perfecting Your Performance On The Golf Course

The obstacles you face on the golf course range from sand traps to water and trees. Even though you will not usually encounter more than one obstacle during the game, having to move your golf ball from behind a tree or trying to get it out of a sand trap could end up costing you a higher score. Golf balls…

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Preferred Rewards Green Card From American Express A True Financial Companion

Established in 1850, American express happens to be one of the oldest and most honored financial service organizations in the world. Also referred to as “Amex”, the concern excels in credit card, charge card and travelers’ cheque businesses. Credit cards from American express are known for providing unparalleled customer service and immediate purchasing power. Preferred Rewards Green Card from American…

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Green Tea A Very Versatile Beverage

The earliest users of tea are two countries, India and China. Tea also plays a very significant part in social rituals of Japan. In current periods green tea has engrossed a lost of attention due to many health benefits attributed to it. Green Tea is a very versatile beverage and the preparation depends on your preferred taste. There are many…

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Interior Design

Green Furniture Fad Or Fabulous

Enter almost any home today and you are immediately hit with a number of air-borne pollutants that you cannot even see. This occurs in any home, office or other space where furniture and fabrics are used. Over the last few years, a new method of furniture making has been occurring. Green furniture or eco-friendly furniture is a new buzzword for…

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Tea Growing Quality Green Tea

There are literally hundreds of varieties of green tea, each with its own distinct flavor and characteristics. Green tea is grown in several countries throughout the world, but the vast majority of it is grown in China and Japan. Most tea gardens, particularly those in China and Japan have been around for many years. It takes time to develop a…

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Herbal Beverages Farang Matoom

Farang (Guava) Scientific Name: PIsidium guajava Linn. Family: MYRTACEAE Other Names:Sida (Nakornprathom) Maguoiga Mamuun (The Northern Part) Maguoi (Chiangmai (Majeen (Tak) Yaring (Lawaa – Chiangmai ) Magaa (Mae Hongsom) Yaa moo, Yamu (The Southern Part )Joompo (Surattanee) Chompuu (Pattanee) Yamubutae – panya (Malay – Naratiwas) Pakgia (Taejiew Chinese) Botanical features: Trunk A small- sized perennial tree with its smooth bark…

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Tea Origins Flavors And Health Benefits

How many times do we just want to drink tea after a heavy meal, but are then bombarded with all the various tea flavours that we get lost. This article answers that need. What you should always remember is that there are only four types of tea. 1) Black tea 2) Green tea 3) White tea 4) Oolong tea All…

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Manganese Content In Tea

Manganese is an essential mineral for health. We should be able to get an adequate supply of manganese from our natural diet, yet many people are deficient in this critical mineral. Deficiencies in manganese can cause the following health problems: What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0 Haha Haha 0 Sad Sad 0 Star Star 0 Weary Weary…

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Interior Design

Create A Green Baby Nursery

In our attempt to revert back to a Green lifestyle, it’s only fitting to use Green principles when designing a baby’s room. After all, a newborn will spend an average of 17 hours a day in their nursery, and it should be an environment filtered from toxins. Here are some of the key points to consider when setting up a…

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Health Fitness

Green Tea A Healthy Alternative To Soda

In the hot days of summer it is easy to reach for a soda to help you cool off. However sodas do not really quench your thirst and there are some other healthier more refreshing alternatives. One of the most refreshing ways to cool off on a hot summer day is drinking a tall glass of iced tea and what…

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