Real Estate

Buying Holiday Homes In Greece

Greece doesn’t require any introduction, when it comes to speaking about its role in the worldwide tourism. The nation’s timeless ancient history and its unharmed natural landscape, provide with the needed pull for drawing in millions of visitors to its soil each year. But, the story doesn’t stop there, and the recent trends might say, even the Greece property market…

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Paris Hilton The Modern Day Aphrodite

The internet was just born and already it has 6 billion websites, one for every person on Earth today. Human beings are obsessed with writing and even more obsessed with Paris Hilton, the number one search on the internet. Lets get to know a little about our modern day Aphrodite aka Venus, the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Sex worshipped…

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Oregano Joy Of The Mountain

Known as “joy of the mountain,” Origanum vulgare is commonly called culinary oregano or Turkish oregano. Oregano is a close relative of marjoram and is also known as pot marjoram. Similar in taste to marjoram, oregano’s taste is more pungent and has overtones of mint. Greek oregano, subspecies hirtum of O. vulgare, is recommended as the best type of oregano…

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Immerse Yourself In The Greek Language And Culture

The Greek language is over 3,500 years old, though it has evolved through the years. Over 15 million people worldwide speak Greek. It is the official language of Greece and Cyprus, and is spoken natively by immigrants living in many countries around the world. The Greek alphabet is considered the first real alphabet, and was a predecessor of the Latin…

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Ancient Greek Deities

Although they seem to be things of the past, reminders of ancient Greek deities are all around us. When you read the following names, more than a few will look familiar. Ancient Greek Deities The Greek Pantheon was a polytheistic system of thought and religion that assumed its Greek deities existed independently and individually. Their roll was to rule diverse…

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History Of Olive Trees

Olive trees, ‘Olea europaea,’ are the oldest fruit trees and certainly are one of the most important fruit trees in history. Olive tree culture has been closely connected to the rise and fall of Mediterranean empires and other advanced civilizations throughout the ages. Because olive trees offered wealth and future food supplies to established civilizations, the agricultural nations became stable…

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Neither Is There Healing In Any Other Name

The entire context of Acts 3 and 4 is the healing of the lame man at the Temple Gate. This is the occasion of Peter’s declaration that his level of power or holiness had nothing to do with it. His actions, however, demonstrated that using Jesus’ name for healing had everything to do with the healing of this helpless man.…

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Tony Blair Turkey Eu And Cyprus

The stalling of US and UK ambitions for Turkey to become a member of the EU during December 2006 has presented a challenge for Tony Blair during his sunset period as British Prime Minister. Turkey is a longstanding member of NATO, and was actively supported by successive US administrations during the Cold War with the USSR, due to its strategic…

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