
An Overview Of The Sun

The Sun is the centerpiece of our solar system, the gravity force that keeps everything together. Here is an overview of this source of our existence. An Overview of the Sun The Sun is a star, one of billions in the known universe. It is similar to other stars you see in the night sky, but is prominent in our…

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From The Atom To The Black Hole

A black hole is a region of space with such intense gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape. This is the general understanding of the black hole. If gravity is still a phenomenon, how can we come to use this statement as if it was a fact? This is misleading. Besides, it is preventing our young thinkers from even…

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Take Advantage Of Your Center Of Gravity When Bowling

Could your score use improvement? Here you are, at last! The roar of balls screaming down polished wooden lanes, the thunder of pins toppling, the delicious fragrance of the cafe and cheers heralding the triumph of a teammate… intense! You’ve bowled enough to know that it’s a serious sport. Closing your eyes, holding your breath and hoping for the best…

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Home Improvement

Need A New Toilet What Type Should You Choose

With today’s growing concerns regarding saving water and cutting down on utility costs, more people are directing their attention to their toilet. The toilet accounts for as much as 30% of total household water usage and as such, should be a primary concern to cut down on your water wastage. However, the toilet isn’t exactly most people area of expertise…

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