Home Family

Deeper Down Deeper In Debt Funerals

The last goodbye at a funeral leaves you reminiscing about the good times, also leaving a trail of fond memories of the dearly departed. But after a funeral you find that it can also leave a huge debt hanging over your head. The cost to bury a loved one can run into the thousands for a decent burial? What is…

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What And Who Is An Entrepreneur

‘One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise’ Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Ho Humm… does that do it for you? Why? … Because you are probably one of them, an Entrepreneur. Think back when you began entrepreneurial endeavors. Now think of Lewis and Clarke, Magellan, Columbus, or the Wright brothers. Explorers…entrepreneurs, I see very little difference.…

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Time Management

7 Words Intuitive Communication Model

Many people are justifiably concerned that their way of life is permanently at risk from climate changes, war and pollution. The problem lies in the way we think. Humanity has misunderstood the nature of reality and is now facing the inevitable consequences of having ignored all the signs that indicated that a new way had to be found. If we…

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Web Hosting

Your Home Based Internet Business Will Make Life Easier

Say goodbye to a cranky, overbearing, demanding boss. Say goodbye to your cramped office space. Say goodbye to office politics. Say goodbye to the 9 to 5, five to seven day per week work regime. Say hello to the freedom of EARNING AN INCOME ONLINE by establishing your very own HOME BASED INTERNET BUSINESS. Home Business Entrepreneurs can receive tax-breaks…

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