
Must Have Golf Accessories That Leave You Drooling

Here is a quick check-list of the “It” golf accessories that are must-haves. See if you have them in your golf cart, and if you don’t, put them right on top of your shopping list for golf accessories. For rookies who keep losing their balls or golfers who cannot keep track of the balls they have hit, this is a…

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How A Golf Fitness Book Can Transform Your Game

There are so many “so-called” golf fitness books on the market; but when you open them up you see dozens of pictures of golf models sitting on exercise machines in the gym. This is NOT a golf fitness book, this is a book pertaining to “general” fitness, but with the title revised to catch the golfers eye. In my mind,…

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Golf Sponsorship

Contrary to what many people may believe, golf is a sport. It may be slow-paced and easy-going as compared to other bone-crushing and fast-paced games such as cricket, tennis, soccer etc. Two important requisites for golf are patience and practice. Many believe, golf is a game that can be appreciate by only the truly gifted people and ones that are…

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Tips In Buying Golf Gear

Buying golf gear is not as easy as you may think it is. That’s because every golfer will have individual needs, and there are no set products out there that can definitely help everyone. By using this tips for buying golf gear, including following your budget, doing some comparison shopping and looking in stores that specialize in golf gear, you…

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Online Golf Instructions Are Cheap But Effective

The number of online golf instruction programs on the net has grown tremendously in recent times. And yet they still continue to grow in leaps and bounds. One of the reasons for this phenomenal growth is that many of these online golf instructions have had very positive effects and helped many golfers improve their handicap. You have to understand that…

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How To Improve Your Golf Swing Timing

Golf swing timing is a key factor in being able to repeat a mechanically sound swing for 18 holes. In fact it is true to say that correct timing is everything. This is the main reason why golfers need to concentrate when taking a shot. Golf swing timing has to do with the way the golfer controls their body and…

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The Essentials Of Golf

At the core of golf there is competition. Yet the most essential part of golf is patience. Patient competition seems like a contradiction. Yet golf is not contradictory at all. On the other hand it has been said one person can find golf relaxing, while another individual might think it the most stressful sport in the universe. Professional golfers tend…

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Improve Your Body And Watch Your Swing Transform

Improve your body to maximize your swing. This may sound like an oxymoron, but I can speak for over 10,000 golfers worldwide who have done it. Through my online golf performance membership site, dvds and books, I’ve heard back from over 10,000 golfers the past 6 years who have seen dramatic improvements in the their swing and game. I have…

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Golf Strength Training Slows The Aging Process

Golf strength training is critical in slowing down the effects of aging. Issues like rapidly declining strength, flexibility, and endurance. The number of golfers who are middle age or older is growing and they all want to play as long as possible. In order to both slow the aging process AND play longer, you need adequate levels of strength, flexibility,…

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