
How Important Are Golf Gadgets And Instructions

If you’re a beginning golfer or even an intermediate golfer, you probably already know there are thousands of companies touting their ability to help you improve your game. Which are worthwhile and which are simply worthless? Unfortunately, only you can answer those questions. There are some things you can consider to help you evaluate the products and instructions to decide…

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Making Your Program Golf Specific

“Golf-Specific” means different things to different people. One of the things I have learned from my education and experience in working with elite trainers and golfers is that in order to improve someone’s performance you must know where their strengths and weaknesses currently exist. This is, of course, the real value of assessments. If you look at the requirements of…

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Fitness For Golf Isn T Just For The Pros

Fitness for golf is a common term on the television these days. I’m sure you’ve heard it a few times. The secret is out. Fitness for golf has come to the forefront of total golf performance. Golfers have heard it enough. The golf swing is a physically abusive movement to the human body…unless you take the time to prepare for…

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Flexibility Exercise For Golf

Flexibility exercise for golf is a critical component to performing a repeatable, powerful, and mechanically sound golf swing. Senior golfers are the prime target to benefit the most from flexibility exercise for golf. With a declining level of both flexibility and strength, the muscles of the senior golfers are not as pliable and responsive to the physical demands of the…

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Online Golf Lessons Save Time And Can Be A Great Help

Online golf lessons have grown tremendously in popularity, for the simple reason that they address a problem faced by most golfers. The problem is that of finding the time away from their golf game to take golf lessons. Not everybody is a professional with all the time between tourneys to brush up on their skills. Most golfers are amateurs who…

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Golf Ball Retriever The Tool For Every Golfer

A golf ball retriever is a tool that every golfer should have to eliminate the need to bend and stoop to locate your ball. While a golf ball retriever is actually very simple, it is a tool that can make your golf game much more fun, much easier, cleaner, and simply more enjoyable. When those that are new to golfing…

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The 3 Types Of Handicaps

There are 3 types of handicaps out there. They include: (1) honest handicaps; (2) sandbagger handicaps and (3) Hollywood handicaps. Thankfully, the most common type of handicap is the honest handicap. This is a handicap that is determined by using a standard and accepted formula as defined by the governing golf body in a particular country. The golfer who carries…

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How To Find A Golf Partner

Let’s face it, if you are going to be on the golf course for 5 hours, you want to be with people that you enjoy being with. Finding good golf partners can be harder than finding true love. There are almost as many things that you look for in a golf partner as a life partner. You want a golfer…

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A Budding Golfers Guide To A Good Pair Of Golf Shoes

Golf is a low impact sport that is normally for leisure. But playing the greens can be psychologically intensive as it can be physically demanding. Golf is normally played by professionals and executives to unwind and take time off from the hassle and bustle of the corporate world. But for some who indulge in the sport, it can be an…

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How A Muffin Tin Can Improve Your Golf Game

Any golfer will tell you that a lot of confusion can stem from not being able to identify your ball on the course. When two balls fall near to the hole but also near to each other, the debate over which player made which shot can get quite uncomfortable. This kind of awkward situation can take a lot of the…

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