
A Good Golf Bag Is Important

Few things are more important to a golfer than a good golf bag. First off, golf bags come in many styles and a wide variety of colors. You can choose a bag for style, features or pick a color to match your mood. Some have legs that fold out when they are placed on the ground and stand upright so…

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Advice On Golf Training Aid Products

There are many different types of golf swing faults and golf training aids can go a long way in helping any golfer deal with their specific problem area. The golf swing is the essence of the golf game and therefore it would not be a bad idea to get even two golf training aids that are specific to your swing…

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The Fast Easy Way To A Perfect Golf Swing

Tips For Your Golf Swing If you want to better your golf swing, you need to practice, practice and practice. Many people get into bad form and swing habits that are causing them constant game problems. For this reason, they need a little golf swing instruction that can help them correct those habits and learn the right way to practice…

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A Golf Coach Is Important If You Want To Improve Your Game

Why would anybody need a golf coach when most of the famous golfers of old developed their game pretty much on their own? And besides, wouldn’t a golf coach take away all the fun of the game and make the whole thing too serious to call a leisure activity anymore? These are some of the many concerns amateur golfers have…

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The Modern Golf Swing Is So Different

The modern golf swing has evolved with this use of technology, both in equipment and analysis; as well as the physical training the golfers now go through. They are treating it like a sport and are preparing their bodies accordingly. When you read some of the older books on instruction and technique, you will notice there was a lot of…

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Did You Know That Golf Was Invented In Scotland

Golf was invented in Scotland, and dates back to at least the 17th century, possibly even earlier – the name is believed to come from an Old German word, ‘gowf’, meaning a club or bat. The oldest golf course in the world is Musselburgh Links, but there are many vary old golf courses in Scotland, most famously St. Andrews. It…

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Fix Your Finish To Improve Your Golf Handicap

How you finish often reveals what’s happening during your swing In fact, I often key on a player’s finish in my golf lessons to determine exactly how to help he or she can improve their game. You can do the same for yourself What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0 Haha Haha 0 Sad Sad 0 Star Star…

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