
Turning Christmas Tree History Upside Down

The history of upside down Christmas trees goes as far back as the middle ages, when residents of Europe hung their xmas trees upside down as a representation of the holy trinity. Of course, that is not the most common method of displaying today’s Christmas tree, as what it now represents, right side up, is the tip of the tree…

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Time Management

Free From Me

After all we’d been through, taking my husband back was the easy part. Rebuilding trust was so much harder. In January 2005 my husband and I reconciled. I told myself that I would never take him back if he cheated again, especially if he got her pregnant. But to tell the truth, I have learned to never say never. Especially…

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God Authored All Scripture For Our Benefit

As you delve more and more into the Book of Hebrews, you will become aware of something you have never seen before: namely, the author of Hebrews is more emphatic than any other Bible writer about one major theme; God wrote all the Old Testament Scriptures. This author quoted at least thirty one Old Testament Scriptures in the book of…

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Goal Setting

Is There Such A Thing As Christian Goal Setting

There sure is! Applying the Biblical word “plan” for goal setting, it’s clear that God has plans and so do people. God blesses righteous plans and blasts away ones that aren’t so righteous! Above all, goals and plans are subject to the will of God. Is goal planning even Biblical? You bet! God gives people plans: “[King David] gave [Solomon]…

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Time Management

What If God Could Write You A Blank Check

I have read just about every possible book on creating a wealth and prosperity, yet having enough money always seemed to elude me. Even after I committed to living God’s vision in my life full-time, I was still living on the edge of financial disaster. I decided enough was enough and one night in my evening prayer, I asked The…

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Religion And Science

There are many kinds of narratives and organizing principles. Science is driven by evidence gathered in experiments, and by the falsification of extant theories and their replacement with newer, asymptotically truer, ones. Other systems – religion, nationalism, paranoid ideation, or art – are based on personal experiences (faith, inspiration, paranoia, etc.). Experiential narratives can and do interact with evidential narratives…

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Another Mans Servant

Another Mans Servant Romans 14:4 (NIV, NIRV, TNIV, KJV) Another Mans Servant. Sometimes we find ourselves alone in our indesision and self pity. There are those who wonder why God is using someone else in a great way while we sit along the wayside and wonder why we are not used by the Master. Man in his opinion of himself…

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End Of Time Will What You Believe Matter To God

What is Truth? I pondered this question after finishing my book and I thought what is the answer to that aged old question? One answer that you can count on is that Jesus said that He is truth, (John 14:6). This is pretty straightforward and also an answer that Christianity does not quarrel over. The problem is there are so…

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Wealth Building

Where Is Your Money Going

I have become more concerned lately with where my money is going. Who is benefiting from the money that God has blessed my family with? When I purchase an item, or invest in a company, is the Kingdom being advanced? As Christians, I believe this HAS to be important to us. For too long, many believers have looked at the…

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Is A Mothers Love Medicine

Is a mother’s love, medicine Minus all meningitis thoughts. The flu symptons were strong. Headache,burning fever and sore throat. So what does any natural mother do when their offspring takes ill. They smother him or her with a lot of TLC and would walk to the ends of the earth just to take away the pain and suffering. Is a…

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