
Glyconutrition All Eyes On Newton

Glyconutrition and the silence in Parliament: Sir Isaac Newton is not generally associated with medicine and biology, much less glyconutrition. Newton lived 1642– 1727, a period now referred to as the Age of Newton. However, you don’t get an entire age named after you unless you have done something spectacular…like inventing the calculus…or discovering the law of gravity and the…

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Cancer Are You A Believer

First, we must settle one of two issues before you continue reading this article. The first issue is straight forward, a “direct-punch-to-the-nose” kind of a question: Do you believe cancer is “beatable?” I don’t mean, “Sometime in the future…” I think everyone believes “some day”, “somewhere”, “someone” will discover the cure. Nor do I mean anything like, “Is cancer treatable…

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