Health Fitness

Mood Disorders Might Be Genetically Linked

Everyone’s just a little bit crazy on the inside, or so the saying goes. If the statistics are anything to go by, then the old saying is rather accurate. Studies show that everyone has fought off a mental illness at least once, usually in the form of a mood disorder, like depression or social anxiety disorder. In fact, most people…

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Health Fitness

Dog Genome May Shed Light On Human Disease

Scientists have succeeded in sequencing the dog genome, an accomplishment that could lead to better health for humans as well as canines. An international team of researchers have published their detailed analysis in the journal Nature. “Of the more than 5,500 mammals living today, dogs are arguably the most remarkable,” says senior author Eric Lander, PhD, director of the Broad…

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Dna The Future Of Nutrition

Nutritional supplementation has become a must in our society today. With the abundance of processed and nutrient-deficient foods, our bodies require extra support for optimum health. We have witnessed quite a paradigm shift in the way we see nutrition over the last few decades. The “one size fits all” nutritional supplement is no longer adequate, as we are now becoming…

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Health Fitness

Hypotheses On Autism Causes

Autism is a very serious neurological disorder, determining dramatic behavioral changes in children that are affected by it, considerably altering their psychical and physical development. Autism is responsible for modifications in social interactions, cognitive function and also communication skills. Autistic children are susceptible to allergies, different respiratory conditions, digestive problems, epilepsy, recidivating viral diseases, sleeping disorders and digestive problems. Autism…

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