
Living Profoundly

When you realize that you really want to have an impact in this world, to make a difference, remember that it is in each moment that you are alive and in the present. When you are too busy worrying about what you don’t have, what you have to do, where you’ve been, and what you don’t have, you’re not in…

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You Are Your Own President

Congratulations! You are the president of your own nation, and it is called “Imagination”. This particular nation is the driving force behind your life and is the underlying factor for your future. You need to realize that you have an enormous responsibility as the President of this Nation, because you need to always focus on the future and strive to…

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Personal Finance

10 Tips To Improved Personal Budgeting

$Clip coupons. This is the single most important rule of personal budgeting. Why? Simply because a few minutes spent clipping coupons could end up saving you multiple dollars in the checkout line. $Buy in bulk. If your favorite products are on sale, buying in bulk may cost you more at present but could end up saving you a lot in…

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