
Contact Lens Update How To Avoid Fungal Eye Infections

Earlier this year, contact lens wearers around the world got a scare when news of an outbreak of an eye infection called fungal keratitis came out. This fungal eye infection can be treated relatively easily if caught early, but more established cases may lead to a need for a corneal transplant or worse, loss of the affected eye. According to…

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Health Fitness

Nail Fungus This Can Even Kill Your Nail

A fungus or a type of yeast causes nails fungal infection. This infection makes the nail thick and crumbly. Nail fungus normally affects the toenails. It can even disfigure the nails and discolor them. If left uncontrolled nail fungus can make the nail die. Let us see what it is and how to stop it. Nail Fungus- What causes it…

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Health Fitness

What Causes Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common problem faced by many people all around the world. There are various reasons behind hair loss. Let us look at some of the major causes and their remedies: Hormonal problems may cause hair loss. If your thyroid gland is under active or overactive, you will suffer the problem of hair loss. This hair loss generally…

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Health Fitness

Ringworm Symptoms And Treatment

What is Ringworm? Ringworm, despite its name is not a worm and has nothing to do with worms. It is in fact a fungal infection. The reason for its name is due to what it looks like. That is, it appears as a round circle or ring on the skin of the patient. Very closely related to Ringworm is a…

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