Personal Finance

Where Did My Paycheck Go

The typical scenario is that you get your paycheck. After you recover from the shock at how little is left after taxes, you proceed to divvy it up among all your outstanding bills, intending to put whatever is left over into your savings. But there never seems to be anything left over and your savings don’t grow. A better plan…

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Stuff Happens Be Prepared

As children, if we learned nothing else from those “scary” nursery rhymes, it should have been that “stuff” happens! Scary? Yes, Scary! Jack fell down and broke his crown… Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall (worse yet, they couldn’t put him back together again!)… The wind blew and down came cradle, baby and all… little Miss Muffet had her meal…

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Home Family

Everyone Wants To Find Different Fundraiser Ideas

Finding new fundraiser ideas is a full time job because everyone wants to come up with something new in fundraising. They want people to sit up and take notice and of course contribute to the cause. There are different types of fundraiser ideas you can come up with through different kinds of software. Quite often the fund raising committee spends…

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Personal Finance

How To Create Your Own Emergency Fund

Do unexpected car repairs, quarterly insurance payments or unexpected medical bills find you hard pressed to squeeze even one more dollar out of an already stretched monthly budget? These are inevitable expenses and sometimes can put you under a stress condition when you need the cash to pay for these emergencies and unexpected expenses. But if you learn to budget…

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