
Baldness Cures And Treatments

The most common cause of hair loss, especially in men, is androgenetic, or male pattern baldness. Mid-teens or puberty starts the ‘balding’ process for individuals whose genetics predispose them to baldness. The normal production of hair by the follicle is altered by the pubertal increase in testosterone production resulting in an increased production of DiHydroTestosterone. Hair strands become thinner, grow…

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Acne Treatment From The Inside Out

Acne will affect almost every person at some stage of their life. Some are lucky and only ever get a pimple or two, but for many, acne can be a socially demoralizing condition… and it’s not just in teens, adult suffer too. Studies suggest that 20-25% of males and 40-45% of females suffer prolonged bouts/occurrences of acne, whether it be…

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Womens Issues

What S Wrong With My Face

The term acne refers to whiteheads and blackheads (skin pores that get clogged) and nodules or cysts, which are deep lumps. These are found on a persons face, chest, neck, back shoulders and sometimes the upper arms. Most teenagers are affected by acne to some degree although folks in other age groups can experience acne as late as into their…

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Health Fitness

Going Bald Gracefully

Both male and female alike are bothered by hair loss. As the clich What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0 Haha Haha 0 Sad Sad 0 Star Star 0 Weary Weary 0 0 Shares Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Gmail Linkedin × Share this post! Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Gmail Linkedin Pinterest Messenger Reddit Telegram Tumblr VKontakte Email


What Is Epilation

Have you wondered how many different types of hair removal exist today? Have you felt confused with all the different terms, used in this field? I don’t blame you. I felt the same way before I started researching. I didn’t know what the difference was between epilation and depilation. These two words sound very similar but the final results are…

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Reference Education

Hair Loss Natural Cure

Most of hair loss cases, about 90%, are caused by Androgen or by heredity. The medical diagnostic is: degeneration of the hair follicle. As a result hair falls but never grows back. Chemical solutions are related to many unwanted side affects which leads growing number of people to healthy natural solutions. This article will bring you some unusual natural solutions…

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