Health Fitness

Believe It You Are What You Eat

“You are what you eat” —- this often-used phrase has come to describe the belief that a person’s totality, including his health, appearance, mood, and thoughts, is shaped by the food he eats. Anthelme Brillat-Savarin wrote, in Physiologie du Gout, ou Meditations de Gastronomie Transcendante, 1826: “Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es.” meaning “Tell…

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Health Fitness

The Nutritional Benefits Of Folic Acid

The debate about the necessity of taking dietary supplements is still alive. While numerous doctors maintain we get all that we require from the foods we eat, others prefer to offer supplementary vitamins when their patients are under stress such as pregnancy, illness or even aging. Studies have shown that taking supplementary B group vitamins, specifically folic acid and B12…

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Do You Have The Symptoms Of Folic Acid Deficiency

The debate around the basic of taking dietary supplements is continuing to rage. While many health care professionals maintain we get all we require from the foods we eat, others prefer to suggest vitamins when their patients are under a stress such as a pregnancy or illness or even aging or when the patients body’s function is deficient or overloaded.…

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