Disease Illness

H5n1 Bird Flu

Bird flu is the street name for the Influenza A virus, which is the virus that causes Avian flu. The name says it all, as Bird flu is a virus that is hosted by birds. With that said though it may infect several other species of mammals. First identified in Italy in around 1905 the virus is now known to…

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Health Fitness

Your Body Wants To Fight The Flu

The body’s immune system is our first line of defense against attacks from germs, bacteria, and viral agents like the flu. The immune system detects these harmful invaders and begins the process of isolating and destroying them. But the immune system only works if it has the fuel that it needs. You see, the immune system is called a “system”…

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Disease Illness

Bird Flu And You How Will The Flu Affect You

Flu is a common disease nowadays, with most people having developed the antibodies to fight against the disease. So the mention of “flu” doesn’t really create any alarm. However, say “bird flu” and there’s likely to be a pandemonium. Bird flu, or avian influenza, is a highly pathogenic virus of 15 types. The virus spreads to poultry through direct or…

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Kitten Vaccinations Types Of Vaccinations

In recent years, the vaccination of cats has become more popular. The three most common vaccines give protection against feline infectious enteritis (FIE), feline influenza (cat flu) and feline leukaemia (FeLV). An initial course of two injections, the first at nine weeks are usually given, and yearly boosters are recommended thereafter. FIE causes vomiting and diarrhoea, and the cat develops…

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Disease Illness

How Bird Flu Kills

The bird flu virus is supposed to be really affecting the birds only. However, because of the nature of flu viruses that can be able to mutate and transfer from one species to the other. The bird flu virus that has been killing birds has now been affecting humans as well. The good news is that bird flu virus has…

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Disease Illness

How Bird Flu Respirator S Should Be Used

There are two kinds of bird flu wear protection that a person who will come into contact with infected poultry or just poultry or an infected person. The person should consider wearing either a bird flu respirator or a bird flu mask. A bird flu masks only helps prevent particles or droplets to be discharged in the environment the wearer…

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Disease Illness

Avian Bird Flu Poses Serious Threats To Humans

The global health community has been in a state of alarm due to recent outbreaks of the avian influenza disease in many parts of the world, particularly in Asia. The disease has infected humans, prompting many to believe that a global pandemic will soon occur. In the past decades, avian influenza has affected only birds and in some cases, pigs.…

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Health Fitness

World Warned To Prepare For Bird Flu

Confronting the possibility of a potentially devastating human bird flu pandemic, the United Nations system – from Secretary-General Kofi Annan to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to the UN health and agricultural agencies – today laid out a blueprint for immediate preventive and mitigating action. “We may not know about the future course of H5N1, we do know this:…

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