
How To Teach Your Wife To Use Firearms

I have to say I started all wrong. On my first real date with my wife, I took her out to go shooting. Now my wife did not know where we were going and had not really seen me since I had left for the Marines. We dated a few times in high school but never really hit it off.…

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Home Family

Use Of Firearms For Personal Safety And Defense

For many years, firearms have been considered effective defensive weapons. If you think things through you will realize that due to the deadly potential of guns they are really a poor choice for personal protection for the vast majority of people. The use of firearms is unwarranted in most circumstances. Their use in any situation can have grave consequences. The…

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A Closer Look At Gun Security

The local and national news programs seem to feature stories about shooting accidents on a weekly basis. So often the lack of gun security is the reason these disaster occur. Gun security is not rocket science, it is common sense, yet many homes that have firearms do not follow basic steps to insure for safety. This lack of responsibility leads…

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