
The Art Of Picking A Penny Stock

Should Wiley E. Coyote ever get into buying stocks, I have no doubt he would stack his portfolio with shares of ACME. I’m just not so sure any savvy penny stock investor should follow the economic advice of a coyote. Investors of the two-legged kind, whether they’re looking at a penny stock or a blue chip behemoth, tend to take…

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Web Hosting

Market Research And Focus Groups

Market research plays two roles in the communication processes of any business system. First, it is part of the marketing intelligence feedback process. It provides decision makers with data on the effectiveness of the current employed techniques and provides insights for necessary changes. Second, market research is the primary tool for exploring new opportunities in the media marketplace. Segmenting, questioning…

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Health Fitness

Green Tea Extract Might Help Blood Cancer Patients

The participants of the research were 4 victims of CLL, the most common type of blood cancer, who were being given drugs containing green tea extract epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). After a certain period of time, a decrease in cancerous cells in their bodies was observed. 3 of the 4 patients expressed improved response to treatment and one had improved white…

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