
Understand Credit Card Companies

As a financial consultant, I am amazed at what a small amount of understanding most of my clients have of credit card companies and how they work. I find that many financial struggles people go through could be lessened significantly simply through education about credit card companies and other significant factors that influence our financial situations greatly. It is for…

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Good Business Sense Microsoft S Free Accounting Solution For Sb

To be truly successful, you have to treat your business like a business, and good accounting practices are a big part of that. Yet only twenty percent of the twenty million small and home-based businesses in the U.S. use accounting software to track their business finances. Many home-based business owners’ “bookkeeping systems” still consist of pens, paper, and boxes stacked…

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Wsj Don T Exercise Retirement May Be Shorter But Still Costly

Jonathan Clements writes the very popular “Getting Going” column for the WSJ that covers all sorts of personal finance issues including retirement, financial planning, saving, investments, and spending patterns among many others. It’s a basic “how to” column on managing your finances. He is a most practical and sensible writer and widely read. He doesn’t venture into the health and…

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Financial Balance Reducing Unnecessary Spending

If Americans were polled about their personal concerns, at the top of the list would be finances. Finances are important in our lives, from the national budget to the family budget, and when our finances are unbalanced, it can lead to serious trouble. Not only are bad finances linked to a significant number of failed marriages, but our personal financial…

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