
Figurine An Art Form

Figurine refers to the human made statuettes and the dictionaries describe the word as a diminutive form of the word figure. Earliest figurines are said to be made in the Indus Valley Civilization and they were all in stones. Although it is not exactly known as to why man made figurines, it is sure that in one way it was…

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The Magical World Of Collectible Figurines

Millions of people throughout the world take great joy in the hobby of collecting figurines. If you are thinking of starting your own collectible figurine collection, you can purchase your first figurine through various channels, such as buying it online or going to a wholesale figurine market. Nowadays, figurine collection has become an interesting and fascinating hobby. In fact, with…

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Arts Entertainment

Collectible Pewter Figurines Are Child Friendly

Children often enjoy collecting items just as much as adults do. They may want delightful figurines but parents are often hesitant due to the cost of them and the risk of such items getting broken. A good solution is to consider buying pewter figurines because they are in expensive and they won’t break. Your child can be rough with them…

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Gvie The Gifts Of A Dolphin Figurine

Do you have a collector in the family? If you are like the majority of families someone is an avid collector of some sort. One of our family members collects crystal figurines, one collects Precious Moments figurines and another collects dolphins. My own personal favorite is dolphins. Dolphin figurines come in all sizes and price ranges. The cheapest figurines of…

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