Web Hosting

Should Small Business Fear The Competition

You will find top earners online that are earning fifty or eighty thousand dollars a month and yet they fear competition. It is a terrible way to live. We fear no competition, we fear nothing in marketing. There are people that will try to intimidate you, but you do not have to live in fear. You can control what somebody…

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I Used To Hate The Darkness

Like many children, when I was young I hated the darkness. I hated everything about it. I loved being outside during the bright sunshine of the day to play and discover new things with friends, but you couldn’t get me to take a walk in the darkness of night to save my life. I loved playing with my toys and…

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Health Fitness

The Roots Of The Anxiety Problem

Anxiety is a bit of a common phenomenon in today’s stress-filled world. Most people have already experienced the sudden palpitations, the sweaty palms, and that overwhelming sense of dread. People inherently understand the power that fear holds over them and can sometimes even recognize when fear becomes too much for them. Fear is often said to trigger sudden battles with…

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Self Improvement

Arachnophobia And Other Fears

We had a little excitement this morning at home. My wife came out of the bathroom and said, quite calmly, “Ed, there’s a big black spider in the bathtub.” Since I was watching my daughter, Ella, at the time, I carried her in there to investigate. I was a bit surprised that my wife did not call it a Brown…

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Real Estate

Retiring To The Bluffs On Cape Fear Nc

The beautiful coastal area of North Carolina is a prime location to consider for your retirement. It has long been a popular vacation spot for families and retirees. Because of the multiple attractions, people enjoy returning over and over. It has been found that upon retiring, a great number of people prefer to relocate to a different state. A survey…

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Time Management

What Is Trypanophobia Are You Afraid Of Injections

The fear of injections is called trypanophobia. This is not too uncommon. This fear can be related to needle phobia which is actually the fear of needles, only it involves actual penetration through the skin. This was officially recognized as a specific phobia in 1994 in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition. Types of Trypanophobia Since trypanophobia is broadly…

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Basic Knowledge On Self Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a process of speaking to the subconscious mind rather than conscious mind, in order to achieve a goal or change their views on an idea. This can be done by someone else or by one’s self. The one done by one’s self is called self hypnosis. You can also do it by yourself. To start self hypnosis, understand…

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Time Management

Change The Other Dirty Word

What comes to mind when you hear the word change? Are you fearful? Excited? Does you blood run cold or do you hear yourself saying, “I like things just the way they are.” Is “change”, the other dirty word? Most of us find change hard; Not necessarily because we do not want to change, but because it is sailing into…

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Arts Entertainment

The Evolution Of The Horror Genre

The literary genre known as horror has gone through some changes as of late and, for those among you who cling to the old traditions, these changes do not bode well. However, before going into that topic, it is best to first offer a brief explanation of what the horror genre is about. At the very core, the genre was…

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