
Innovative Makeup Prevents Eye Irritation

Most women have experienced itchy, watery eyes, often attributing irritation and allergic reactions to their cosmetics. But contrary to that belief, mascaras and eyeliners flaking and running into the eyes – not allergies – cause most eye problems. With this in mind, cosmetics companies such as Blinc Inc. uncovered new developments in eye makeup technology that have resolved these problems.…

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Conditions And Diseases Of The Eye

Your eyesight is one of the most important things you possess. Taking good care of your eyes is crucial for eye health. However, sometimes the eye is susceptible to various diseases and conditions that you simply cannot prevent. Fortunately, there are treatments available for these problems. Here are the most common eye problems experienced and information on their treatment: Allergies:…

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Why You Might Consider Enhancement After Lasik Laser Eye Surgery

Undoubtedly every patient and eye surgeon would want to accomplish the desired visual correction in the very first refractive surgery procedure. Surgeons typically conduct a comprehensive preoperative examination to determine whether the patient is a viable surgery candidate, and in order to predict the results of the refractive surgery. But unfortunately, it is difficult to accurately predict results in the…

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Health Fitness

Two Reasons Why You Might Want A Second Opinion

About six months ago, I visited my dentist. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a pleasant experience. After jamming a dental instrument into one of my teeth and asking me if I had been eating sweets, she made a decision. She felt that I had an area that needed to be drilled into, “to see how far the problem goes”. Fortunately, I declined.…

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Womens Issues

Contact Lenses A Buyer S Guide

You have gotten your prescription and are now trying to figure out the best place to buy your contact lenses. You are confident about the safety and quality you will get buying from your eye care health professional, but you wouldn’t mind saving some money, either. If the contacts are just as good from an online service or a warehouse…

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Health Fitness

Bifocal Contact Lenses Improving Vision

Thick lenses with a line across them were the only option available to those who had nearsightedness and farsightedness. The frames for glasses in general were heavy and very unattractive. The problem with wearing bifocals was getting used to them. You need to look either up or look down especially going down stairs. Adjusting to wearing bifocals made some people…

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How To Wash Your Eyes After Lasik Surgery

LASIK is an efficient and fairly innocuous procedure. It is capable of treating several refractive errors, such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. The procedure itself entails virtually no pain and provides rapid recovery. Though the vision will be blurry immediately after surgery, visual acuity will be restored within a few days. However, it takes about 3 to 6 months for…

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How To Use Eye Contact To Create A Good Impression

Researchers have discovered that one of the most striking differences between people who are socially confident and those who are shy, is that confident people have much more frequent eye contact with their conversational partners. Many shy people never make eye contact at all, tending to look downward or away, instead of looking at their conversation partner’s face. Most North…

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