
Buy To Let The Pitfalls

Taking on a property in addition to your home can be a time consuming and complex matter. Before you become a landlord (or lady), make sure you’ve thought it through! Tenants While you may be lucky and find the perfect tenant by chance, it’s a good idea to interview potential tenants first. You can ask for references from previous landlords…

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10 Commandments Of Parenting

Michael Grose’s 10 Commandments for Parenting Here are the wisest commandments ever commended to parents: 1.Thou shalt be consistent. Do as you say you will. Children know where they stand when you are consistent, follow through and mean what you say. 2.Thou shalt expect children to contribute (without being paid). Expect children to help at home but don’t expect them…

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Real Estate

Buying A Diamond In The Rough

It may be your budget, or the thrill of doing it all yourself, but you are in the market for a diamond in the rough. But just how rough can a house be before a lender decides not to take the risk on a mortgage? When you negotiate the contract, make sure that you include a provision for a home…

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Web Hosting


If you were born in the years 1945, 1957, n1969, 1981 or 1993 then you’re a Rooster. The Rooster is described as a pioneer in spirit, devoted to work and the quest for knowledge. It is selfish and eccentric and is best matched with Snakes and Oxen. Oddly enough, the writer is a Snake and her sister is a Rooster.…

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Web Hosting

The Impact Of Suggestion

Expectations influence reality and create results. Individuals tend to make decisions based on how others expect them to perform. As a result, people fulfill those expectations whether positive or negative. Expectations have a powerful impact on those we trust and respect, but, interestingly, an even greater impact on perfect strangers. When we know someone expects something from us, we will…

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Time Management

Happy Miracles To You

“Miracles happen every day. Not just in remote country villages or at holy sites halfway across the globe, but here, in our own lives.” – Deepak Chopra Miracles are amazing and wonderful occurrences. Expect miracles and we just might be happily surprised. We should always expect great things and stop expecting the worst in every situation. And to expect miracles,…

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Abdominoplasty Recovery Time

Much like Christmas presents, people want to show off their new bodies immediately after cosmetic surgery. This brings us to the issue of abdominoplasty recovery time. Abdominoplasty Recovery Time An abdominoplasty is a very common procedure in the field of plastic surgery. The procedure is popular because few, if any, of us can avoid a growing waist line as the…

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Recreation Sports

Next Week On Tv 5 22 5 28

If you’re not captivated by the NBA playoffs, place a bet on who will coach the Knicks next year and how many games they will lose. Expect coaching and executive rumors to heat up with the league finals as the backdrop. Over in the NHL, the end of the season will mean a huge amount of player movement as the…

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Arts Entertainment

Affordable Paintings Art Prints Buying Guide

The fastest way to bring beauty and style to a room is to put up prints of beautiful paintings. Here’s what you should consider: Painting Prints Price Range: Expect to pay somewhere in the neighborhood of $50-$500 for an unframed print–anything less than $50 is likely a poster. You should expect to pay a similar amount to have the print…

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