
New Bern Nc History At Its Finest

When traveling through the South, certain destinations such as Charleston and Savannah have strong appeal to many as they are rich in history and warmth. In North Carolina, New Bern has a similar appeal and it is just now being “discovered” by visitors as a terrific destination in itself. See why this birthplace of North Carolina holds such a strong…

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The Ups And Downs Of Atypical Depression

Atypical depression, a subtype of major depression, is the most common form of depression today. People who suffer atypical depression exhibit all the normal symptoms of depression but they also react to external positive experiences in a positive way. Atypical depression sufferers respond to their environment, enjoying the company of friends but slipping back into deep depression when alone or…

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Arts Entertainment

Art In London

London has always been one of the most well known cities in the world. A culturally rich city, London is visited by millions each year. Currently London has several fascinating and unique art exhibits on display, one of the most impressive being a collection of Michelangelo drawings at the British Museum. This exhibit is entitled, “Closer to the Master” and…

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