
Put Your Best Face Forward Tips For Healthier Skin

Acne may have shown its true colors in your teenage years when hormones kicked in, or in your adult years when stress became a way of life. Either way, this condition can seem impossible to manage at times. But there are ways to help prevent and treat it. Here are some tips to encourage healthier skin and help stop acne…

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Health Fitness

Fatigue A Symptom Women Should Be Weary

Women have always worked hard. Aside from their families, their jobs, and household responsibilities, there are still other activities that a woman needs to attend to which may make them feel really tired. But today, doctors say, women are exhausted. Married or single, with or without kids, working in an office, a laundry or at home, it seems as true…

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Causes Of Acne And Its Prevention

Acne can be found in many forms. Papules, which are usually characterized by small pink bumps, painful to the touch; Pustules or pimples, pus filled lesions that can be red, Nodules which are lesions lodged deep within the skin and finally Cysts, possibly the most painful form of the disorder, are usually responsible for scarring. Doesn’t sound fun, does it?…

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Credit Card Debt

Excessive Credit Card Debt

Excessive credit card debt Most people advocate the case of credit cards, quoting the benefits and convenience that arises from them. However, there is another group/line-of-thought that strongly opposes credit cards. The reason being ‘Excessive Credit Card Debt’, which is one of the most serious problems faced by the credit card holders and credit card industry. However, you can’t pull…

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Hair Loss

Causes And Treatment For Hair Loss

On average, people lose about 10% of their hair during a resting phase. Then after about three months, resting hair falls out and new hair begins to grow. The phase of new growing hair typically lasts anywhere from two to six years with hair growing about one-half to one-inch per month. The interesting thing is that as much as 90%…

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Time Management

Problem Blushing A Mild Annoyance Or A Serious Problem

There is a fine line between blushing easily and blushing excessively. Blushing easily can be a mild annoyance, but blushing excessively can become a physical and mental disaster. Some people who tend to blush easily unfortunately find their problem intensifying to a severe level. People who blush easily might be quick to blush when they are embarrassed, blush a few…

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How To Reduce Perspiration Stop Excessive Sweating

It is a known fact that overweight and obese people are more prone to excessive sweating as they perspire more. However, excessive perspiration can be also due to several underlying medical conditions such as menopause, psychiatric illnesses and very active thyroid glands. Excessive sweating is also known to occur to people with no known medical condition and thus the cause…

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Health Fitness

What Is Anorexia

Self induced emotional eating disorder characterized by persistent loss of appetite is called anorexia. Excessive consciousness toward weight loss, counting calories and excessive exercises can lead to a severe emotional eating disorder called anorexia. Some diagnosing signs and symptoms of anorexia are: – Excessive consideration to become thinner and thinner. – Misperception of body shape and weight. – Fear of…

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