
Ancient Astronauts And Contemporary Skepticism

Over the course of the past year, I closely assisted a colleague in writing a series of ten articles covering diverse aspects of my ancient astronaut theory. All ten of those articles circulated widely around the globe and view counters on many sites indicated plentiful readership, but feedback to me, or to her, from anywhere, was non-existent. There was neither…

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Health Fitness

Can Hair Dye Cause Cancer

Further study is needed to fully understand relationships between hair dyes and bladder cancer, researchers said. Basically, they found no overall increase in cancer deaths among users of hair dyes. These opinions are concerning the use of permanent hair dyes and bladder cancer in 2005. Because of the widespread use of hair dye, the possibility of a relationship between it…

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How Preschool Songs Help Your Child Learn

We have all had the experience of listening to the radio when a song comes on that you haven’t heard in 10, 15, or 20 years. But right away you start to sing along like you heard it yesterday, you don’t miss a single word. Amazing right. Well not really. You probably heard it a hundred times in it’s hay…

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Can An Atheist Believe In God

What makes an atheist? Is he or she one who says “God absolutely does not exist”? Certainly most atheists I know wouldn’t say that. Unfortunately, like most religious people, most dictionaries misrepresent atheism, with definitions like “Denial of the existence of God.” What Atheists Believe 1. Evidence and experience are the proper basis for any beliefs. 2. Those who make…

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Self Improvement

Kill Objections With Sidewinder Precision

It’s one of those days. You make a passionate speech. Then, your mood is dashed as the audience lobs contradiction and rebuttal. You walk away dejected. Hours later the perfect counter-reply pops into your brain. You groan. Why in the world didn’t you think of that earlier??? You could just kick yourself in the butt. Stop for a moment, and…

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Who Was Tutankhamun

Stuart Cheese, may be the UK Director of Operations for One World Tours but his partner’s love of Tutankhamun was what got him into the business in the first place. Let us see how much he has picked up from her and see how much can be understood about the young king, Known to the world for his stunning death…

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Computers Technology

If A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words Than An Animation Is Worth A Settlement

Courtroom re-enactment though forensic animation can be a very effective tool in persuading a jury to decide in your client’s favor. Technology is enhancing civil and criminal litigation, mediations, arbitrations and case depositions in a rapid manner. One study by the National Center for State Courts has determined that 82 percent of trials using 3D modeling as demonstrative evidence have…

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Dna Left Behind In Space Alien Encounter

Some folks, skeptics and scoffers, are not going to believe in the existence of Aliens from other worlds manning UFO’s unless they land in their backyards and ask for directions or to call a tow. And, even then, I do not know whether that would convince a scoffing skeptic. I address this issue in my new book, I Was Abducted…

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The Art Of Persuasion In An Essay

Introduction “Rhetoric is the art of discovering, in a particular case, the available means of persuasion.” –Aristotle Every single human requires the art of persuasion at some point in their lives. As a child, one might use persuasion for the attainment of a toy or as an adult for the acquiring of other objects. A person here might whine, throw…

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