
How To Word Wedding Invitations

Art, in general, is the appreciation of beauty. It implies order and harmony of parts in a given whole. Human life does not imply merely physical survival. It is a vocation towards the refinement of the spirit. Hence, the demands of daily life include and derive meaning from the cultivation of those traits that truly reflect man’s innate dignity. In…

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Back In Time To The Advent Of Search Engine Optimization Seo

As long as the Internet has been around, it has remained a mystery to the mainstream public how Web sites are listed at the top of search engine results. There are many theories of how search engines and search engine optimization (SEO) initially began. The 1990s Alan Emtage, a student at the University of McGill, created the first “search” program…

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Developing Leadership Skills

The first area that we look at is that of Personal Attributes. This is a blend of knowledge, expertise, and competencies, encapsulated in the approach, the behaviour, of the leader. In organisations of all sizes and in all sectors, public and private, these characteristics are key to effective leadership. The essential personal attributes are as follows. Behaving Ethically, by: learning…

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Internet Marketing

Stimulating Word Of Mouth Marketing

In order to stimulate word of mouth marketing, there are many things that can be done, but they must be instituted in a proper manner. In recent years, the concept of Pay-Per-Lead has proliferated the internet and marketers have leveraged that to generate leads. However, the approach can be as worthless as a 0.01% response rate per 50,000. This is…

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