
The Skinny On Omega 3 Fats

By this point, unless you just bought your television, computer, and newspaper subscription last week, you’ve probably already heard about omega-3 fatty acids. Nutritionists rave about them; cooks try to include them with every meal. Even food companies are getting in on the action (noticed any “Omega-3 enriched” products like eggs, oils, and dairy on your store shelves lately?). One…

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Buying Your European Car

Sometimes, just as luck would have it, the vehicle and the dream machine that you are looking for is entirely perfect. Except for one thing: you can only buy it in Europe. Of course, to do that, you still would have to import it back to the United States. And doing such an act could be quite complicated. Now, before…

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Health Fitness

Secondhand Smoke Still A Problem For Children

A recent survey looked at children’s exposure to secondhand smoke and found that approximately 3 million children 6 years old and younger still are exposed regularly to secondhand smoke in their homes. Administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, this study of more than 14,000 households showed that exposure to secondhand smoke occurred more often in lower-income, lower-education households. The…

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