
The Habit Of Identity

In a famous experiment, students were asked to take a lemon home and to get used to it. Three days later, they were able to single out “their” lemon from a pile of rather similar ones. They seemed to have bonded. Is this the true meaning of love, bonding, coupling? Do we simply get used to other human beings, pets,…

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Buy Local Food Save The Environment

Do you know how far the apple in your kitchen traveled before you picked it up at the grocery store? According to the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, apples in American grocery stores typically travel 1,726 miles before reaching your kitchen! Just think about the fuel needed to transport produce like this across the country or across borders. Also think…

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Interior Design

Designing Your Home Office

Once you have taken the plunge and decided to work from home you are going to need to consider your working environment. Too many people think that working from home means that they can effectively handle phone calls from the kitchen table, or work well into the night cuddled up in front of the television. And while you may be…

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Healthy Environment For Self Esteem

Healthy self esteem originates in the environment found in the: family, school, peer group, work place, and community. There are certain characteristics of your environment that need to be present in order for self esteem to be fostered and grow. The main component of a healthy environment for self esteem is that it needs to be nurturing. It should provide…

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Product Reviews

Organic Treats Are A Sweet Choice For Your Valentine

Red roses and chocolate are the quintessential presents for loved ones on Valentine’s Day, but the conventional production of these gifts is anything but sweet for the environment and for the workers who produce them. This Valentine’s Day, you can treat your loved one and honor the environment at the same time by purchasing organic flowers and chocolates. “The organic…

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Home Family

Defending Your Home From Pests

At the first site of a home invasion of bugs, don’t run for the spray gun. First, learn a little about the insect and how much of an invasion has really occurred. There just may be an easy way for you to get rid of the pest without putting yourself, your family, or your pets at risk. However, if a…

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Arts Entertainment

Abstract Art As Therapy

Abstract art is not just a mixture of colourful meaningless patterns and arbitrary shapes. There is, I believe, a definate therapeutic value to be found in most of the enigmatic marks made by the very different styles available today. What appears to be the most important decision to make is a very careful consideration of the specific audience in conjunction…

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Web Hosting

Internet And Business Online The Net Working

Developing a business online provides the potential for a dynamic that is available only minimally in traditional brick and mortar counterparts. The potential I’m talking about is networking. In a more traditional business environment you may be tied more closely to the day-to-day operations of the facility and face-to-face encounters with customers. Networking might happen in an after hours setting…

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Home Sauna Options

Part of installing home saunas is choosing the right type of sauna. There are four types of saunas from which to choose. They are steam, hot air, far infrared and light saunas. Each type has different construction and works a bit differently than the others. This is an important factor when installing home saunas. All saunas work towards the same…

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Managing Hazardous Household Waste Your Roles And Responsibilities

It is no secret that the quantity of household waste produced is increasing year after year at an alarming rate and governments are under pressure to expand existing landfills or build new ones to accommodate the waste that is being produced. What is Hazardous Household Waste? Household waste is leftover from household goods or products. Hazardous household waste are household…

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