
Career’s in Entertainment Production

A career as a rock star or television star is unattainable for most hopeful teens who dream of being in the spotlight. While many dream of being the next *NSYNC or Backstreet Boys sensation, this may be a little far-fetched. However, teens don’t have to give up their dream, at least not completely. Few star-struck teens actually realize how many…

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Travel Leisure

Entertainment Book Coupon 2006

Each time you go for shopping, traveling or out for dining you have to queue up in a line waiting for your turn spending up lot of time and money for the purchase of an item. You might have observed some people holding coupons for any of the item they purchase. It would have aroused in your mind as to…

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Tips For Choosing The Right Cruise Ship For You

Cruise ships inspire images of glitz and glamour; grandiose d What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0 Haha Haha 0 Sad Sad 0 Star Star 0 Weary Weary 0 0 Shares Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Gmail Linkedin × Share this post! Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Gmail Linkedin Pinterest Messenger Reddit Telegram Tumblr VKontakte Email


Wedding Plans How Do You Choose The Entertainment

As with anything else, wedding entertainment is a minefield. There are thousands of Wedding DJ’s, Bands, magicians and Singer’s alike out there, waiting, eagerly to take your money for a service that could be either fantastic, or not so good. The key is this: THOROUGH RESEARCH! With this particular product, you can’t always see what you are buying until you…

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Passing The Time In The Air

If you haven’t flown before or you’re an expert at flying, you may find that long airline trips can be quite boring if your airline has not sort of entertainment such as televisions, radios, etc. While some people can sleep on a plane and make time fly, others have trouble passing the time. This is why we’ve created some great…

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River Belle Indulgences Give In To That Sweet Temptation

April Promotions at Belle Rock Entertainment include a $12,500 chocolate factory trip as part of a $100,000 prize pool GIBRALTAR – April 3, 2006 – This April, Belle Rock Entertainment will be giving away $100,000 in prizes at its major online casinos – River Belle, Lucky Nugget, The Gaming Club, and Jackpot City. With each casino offering a grand prize,…

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Arts Entertainment

Acting And Reality

People watch TV, go to movies or theater to be entertained. The truth is, everyday life can be rather mundane and boring. Imagine watching a film of somebody going through their typical day. You’d probably fall asleep before the first 10 minutes were up. The fact of the matter is, people’s lives are dull, at least most people’s. This brings…

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A Cruise Ship As Rental Property

When it comes to booking a vacation, some people are reluctant to travel by ship out of fear they will be bored while sailing at sea. These people obviously have not checked out today’s cruise ships. In many heads are the images of old where a person would sit on the deck of a cruise ship and read a book…

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