
Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is a large issue that people do not tend to deal with properly. Emotional abuse stems from the yelling or screaming of parents and also from the bullies in school taunting classmates. Emotional abuse is a leading cause of suicide in the United States. Just like abuse in sexual matters, emotional abuse can be and would be called…

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Web Hosting

Can Trading Futures Forex Or Stocks Be Addictive

Real addictions are a very grave matter and while trading doesn’t involve the consumption of any substances, there are those that believe that trading is truly addictive. The tremendous emotional rushes that most traders experience both prior to placing a trade and while in the middle of a big winner or big loser are an acknowledged part of trading, but…

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Love At A Higher Level

Is it possible to achieve a higher romantic love than the resigned complacency we see all around us? If so, can it be sustained for long? Would many people really want it? Sure, nonfiction literature is replete with books, courses, and seminars on how to achieve romantic or marital bliss. But few of us seem to achieve it, and fewer…

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Health Fitness

Give Me Something To Sing About

Alzheimer’s Disease is among the most prevalent brain disorders in the world. This disease is a form of dementia and is characterized by the loss of memory and difficulty in communicating, thinking, learning, and reasoning. Based on figures released by Alzheimer’s Association, Inc., there are now five million people diagnosed with this condition in the United States. Every 72 seconds,…

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Good Cat Care Means A Happy Cat

Cat care is the most important part of keeping your cat healthy and happy. The more you know about cat care, the better you will be able to meet your feline’s physical and emotional needs. The stronger your cat’s health and the better your cat’s attitude are, the more you will be able to enjoy your cat’s unique personality. Good…

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The Good Enough Family

The families of the not too distant past were orientated along four axes. These axes were not mutually exclusive. Some overlapped, all of them enhanced each other. People got married for various reasons: 1. Because of social pressure and social norms (the Social Dyad) 2. To form a more efficient or synergetic economic unit (the Economic Dyad) 3. In pursuit…

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Coping With A Birth Disorder In Your Child

If you have a child who has been diagnosed with a serious birth disorder, this is an extremely trying time in your life. You have many challenges ahead of you, both physical and emotional. Right now you are probably on an emotional roller coaster ride, and are having difficulty just getting through the day. Here are some tips that will…

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Stress Management

Getting Control Of Your Anger

One of the major roadblocks to strong relationships, both at home and at work, is the inability to effectively manage one’s emotions. Of all the emotional, psychological and physical responses we experience in life, anger is perhaps the most challenging to process and control on a consistent basis. How you choose to respond to your anger will make a difference…

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Health Fitness

Wishing Away Your Worries Kicking Away The Blues

Everyday, people experience and express emotions of fear, anger, or sadness. Of course, expressions of love, happiness, and joy are also part of daily life. However, what is often made more memorable are emotions stirred up by pressures at work, in school, and in our relationships. Whenever things go wrong at home, in the office, or in our interaction with…

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The Trouble With Rebound Relationships

It never easy when a relationship goes sour. All the love, attention, emotional investment that a person has made to his/her loved one suddenly goes down the drain. The stress and emotional turmoil that goes with this situation can be extremely devastating on a person. That is why it is not the most ideal time for a person who has…

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