
Jet Chips And Your Car

One of several questions car enthusiasts ask about jet chips and other performance chips is whether they are legal in all states, provinces, etc. Well, I can’t answer that question for the rest of the world, but in the U.S. jet chips are legal even in California, home of some of the strictest automotive emission regulations in the world. As…

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The Facts About Environmental Damage In The Uk

In recent times it has been accepted by scientists that climate change and man made emissions are causing climate changes throughout the world. The ten most warmest years recorded globally since records began have occurred from 1994 onwards with considerable carbon dioxide concentrations increasing considerably. Carbon dioxide from the business sector is responsible for 40% of the UK’s total carbon…

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Trucks Suvs

Cutting Carbon Emissions Through Haulage Loads

This may seem a slightly unlikely article for me to be writing at first. Working in the road transport industry as I do, many people assume it is automatically impossible to have a green conscience. This isn’t surprising, given that my job depends on hundreds of haulage vehicles dragging loads up and down the country, producing all those environment damaging…

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Why It Has To Go Green

As the amount of C02 that Britain’s data centres emit is more than the total annual CO2 emissions of Norwich and Oxford, it is time the IT industry took responsibility for their actions. In comparison to the widely criticised aviation industry, which accounts for 2% of the world’s total C02 carbon emissions, IT accounts for 4%. Despite these negative figures,…

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Personal Finance

Change A Light Change The World With Energy Star

Most people want to do their part to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save on their energy bills, but don’t know what they can do. Using energy efficiently at home is an important start; and, it can be as easy as changing a light bulb. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy (DOE) are calling on Americans…

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Trucks Suvs

Preventing Pollution With Hybrid Cars

Using hybrid cars and preventing pollution can potentially go hand in hand. A lot of time has been invested in the creation of hybrid cars and pollution prevention in order to develop a more economical option but there is more to it as the effects of pollution on the atmosphere have also been considered. Hybrid cars and pollution prevention can…

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Trucks Suvs

Impact Of Hybrid Cars On Environment

The 21st Century is beginning to realise the full extent of the effect we have on the environment around us. If we continue to abuse it the way we have been for many years, who knows what the future will hold?The result of any changes we make now may not be seen for many years – perhaps not even in…

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