Health Fitness

Children More At Risk With Effects Of Smoking

Smoking is easily among the most widespread hobbies in the world. Nicotine is also perhaps the second most abused substance in the world, followed closely by alcohol. Medical science has already presented quite a bit of evidence to show that smoking has adverse effects of smoking on one’s health, though for many years, smokers persisted that second-hand smoke was not…

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Health Fitness

Muscle Relaxants Side Effects Behind Effectiveness

Muscle relaxants are drugs help alleviate pain that are brought by strains, sprains, muscle spasms, and other muscle injuries. These conditions may result in pain, stiffness, and other muscle discomfort that may hamper one’s performance. Muscle relaxants work by relaxing the muscles that control the skeleton. These drugs however do not heal injuries, they only help ease the pain and…

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Health Fitness

Sports Injury An Athlete S Worst Nightmare

Sports injury…it is every athletes’ worst nightmare. For professional sportsmen and women, a major injury could be the end of their career. Breaking an ankle, dislocating a shoulder or hip, or having unbearable pain in the knees could cause an athlete to lose the opportunity to gain honor, fame, and fortune in the field of sports. For individuals who engage…

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Weight Loss

Weight Loss With Hoodia

No one knows for sure, but it’s believed the San People of South Africa used Hoodia for most or all of the 27,000-plus years they lived in the Kalahari. It was not until 1937 when a Dutch anthropologist observed them munching on the cactus to stifle fierce hunger pangs during long hunting trips that Hoodia first came to the attention…

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Health Fitness

Ill Effects Of Marijuana On Sexual Health

Marijuana remains one of the most abused drugs especially among the youth and has over 200 street names such as mary jane, weed, herb, pot, ganja, hash, among others. It comes from a Cannabis Sativa plant and is green or brown in appearance. The drug is derived from the flowers, leaves, seeds, and stems of the marijuana plant. Marijuana contains…

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Autism Articles

Finding What Works Dealing With Autism

When dealing with autism, just as in most other disorders, you will be faced with a number of treatment options for yourself or your child. These include treatments that are educational, behavioral, biomedical, nutritional, and sensory. Unfortunately, for patients who are not affluent or who do not have good medical insurance, the cost of these treatments can be pricier than…

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Time Management

Effects Of Smokeless Tobacco On Your Dental Health

There is a belief in some areas that good oral hygiene can offset the destructive effects of spit tobacco. That belief could not be farther from the truth. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, a government agency dealing with oral health, “there is no evidence that brushing and flossing will undo the harm that dip and…

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Hoodia Gordonii One Reason To Take It

When Hoodia was discovered the very first animal trials to test it was with Rats. The rats that were fed with Hoodia stopped eating completely. Rats are well know as animals that will eat anything and everything. Can you believe that an animal who loves to eat anything simply switched off its desire to eat, even when foods that rats…

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Health Fitness

Are Anabolic Steroids Real Baddies

You’ll be utterly ignoring the good aspects of anabolic steroids, if you call them “baddies”. Certainly, anabolic steroids are neither wholly bad nor utterly good. These drugs are blend of good and bad! Anabolic steroids are the drugs derived from testosterone, male sex hormone. Testosterone is potent androgenic steroid hormone, which is primarily secreted in the testes of males and…

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