Weight Loss

Acomplia Diet Pill To Give Fats A Breather

21st June 2006. For most people, the day was just like any other day, holding not much importance. But for obese people in the UK, the day will be ever remembered. For on this day, Acomplia, the wonder drug for obesity was released for sale on prescription. Research on acomplia as a diet pill was going on for years. And…

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Dating Drugs And Alcohol

Dear Daughter, I love you so much. I wish that I could always protect you from all dangers, but I know that I can’t. You are growing up and you will have to face dangers and make some decisions on your own. However, I am always here and I can always be a pretty good coach. Please talk to me…

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What About Your Prescribed Medication

There are some medications that are physically needed for an actual life threatening health condition, yet there are some medications where we really have to ask our selves: Do we need to take this? What do we really need it for? Can we live without it? How many times have we received prescription after prescription? How many times have we…

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Health Fitness

Soma Carisoprodol Muscle Relaxant

Drug Name Soma (Carisoprodol) Drug Uses Soma is a muscle relaxant used to relieve the pain and stiffness of muscle spasms and discomfort due to strain and sprain. How Taken The usual adult dosage of soma is one 350 mg tablet, three times daily and at bedtime. Usage in patients under age 12 is not recommended. It is recommended that…

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Health Fitness

The Complexity Of Drug Abuse

Many people, young and old alike, are hooked on the excitement and escape that drugs seem to offer. In spite of its obvious adverse effects, people continue to fall into the trappings of drug abuse and, in so doing, ruin not only their lives but their loved ones as well. Curiosity have led most people to try and experiment with…

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Elderly Care

Medicare Drug Benefit Gaining Millions Of Enrollees

According to a recent report from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Medicare’s new prescription drug benefit now covers 25 million Americans, with an average of 250,000 new enrollees being added each week. In a promising sign of the program’s growth, HHS’ progress report showed that the number of beneficiaries rose more than 2.6 million in a month.…

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Medicare Part D A Prescription For Savings

A common source of worry for many people on Medicare is their ability to afford the prescription drugs they need to remain healthy. The good news, however, is that if you’re in Medicare and having trouble paying for needed medications-or if you’re worried about your ability to protect yourself against future drug costs-the new Medicare prescription drug program, Part D,…

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To Go Or Not To Go Herbal That Is The Question

Many people nowadays are turning to “organics” and “naturals” otherwise known as herbals. The rising popularity of herbal supplements has created a new fad if not a new health lifestyle. But before you join the bandwagon, here are some things you need to know about this mean, “green” dietary supplementing machine. What is the difference between a drug and a…

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